QuantumCLS is currently with Newport City Homes as Lead Consultant and Cost Managers on their Somerton Regeneration scheme, seeking solutions that provide quality dwellings for their tenants that embrace low carbon modern spaces, reviewing modern methods of construction alongside traditional approaches and materials, aiming for Net Zero categorisation with efficiencies in running cost and desirable places for people to live both inside and out providing robust and sustainable regeneration and refurbishment programme currently anticipated to commence 2023 through to 2028.

We have been at the forefront of promoting an initial period to conduct refurbishment trials, to test in real life the new technologies to be deployed within the existing housing stock alongside addressing the issues that have hampered some of the stock over their lifetime. The refurbishments will be deep in many instances and incorporate the introduction of modern materials and enhanced insulation and ventilation to provide comfortable and desirable living space for residents.

The trial homes will be occupied by tenants upon completion, which is expected to be early 2024. The tenants will provide feedback so that the experience of living within the refurbished dwellings can be used to refine the design solutions for the larger rollout of refurbishment of the remaining stock identified for refurbishment.